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Mrs. Astrid Fiber, Partner/Senior Architect, UNStudio

Tijdens het opzetten van onze Chinese UNStudio vestiging in Shanghai hebben we kennis mogen maken met de diensten van Your Op. Dit energieke, pro-actief en ambitieuse consulting bedrijf heeft een groot netwerk en kennis over het Nederlands Chinees zakenleven. Het team van Your Op heeft onze specifieke vragen weten te beantwoorden wat zorgde voor een op maat gemaakte oplossing. Wat ik heel uitzonderlijk vond in onze samenwerking was het inzicht van een creatieve zakelijke benadering in combinatie met verschillende culturele achtergronden.

Drs. Ynte van der Meer, projectleider, Windesheim

Your Op is een professioneel bureau dat gerund wordt door twee zussen. Ching Ping en Ching Foe zijn het gezicht van Your Op, met allebei een eigen kant: één in Europa, de ander in China. De combinatie van enthousiasme en scherpte, vriendelijkheid en doordrammen, een professionele backoffice en een persoonlijke benadering maakt het matchmaken menselijk en mooi. Your Op heeft mij en mijn reisgenoten gebracht waar en wat we wilden, en zelfs nog verder en meer. Als ervaren Chinareiziger heb ik mij aangenaam laten verassen door Your Op: ze gaan inderdaad verder en ze bereiken inderdaad meer. Ik gun eenieder deze aangename verrassingen.

Dirk de Korne, Eye Hospital

For the Rotterdam Eye Hospital / Dutch Eye Care Network, one of main purposes of the Mission Trip was to link up with local Chinese public and private eye hospitals to explore their business model for (mobile) eye care and also to recruit for new potential members of the World Association of Eye Hospitals (WAEH). Your Op brought us in contact with different eye hospitals in Chengdu. Those trips were well prepared and we were received with all honours by the CEO or the President of the hospitals. Besides a fruitful presentation and discussion we were able to have an in-depth tour through the hospital, even all the way into their operating theatres. Our matchmaking will most surely result in a fruitful future cooperation as well an increased exchange of knowledge and best practices within the WAEH.

Dhr. Leo Zang, assistant president manager

of international business, KUKA

We deeply appreciate that Your Op has recommended BBL to us and arranged a highly satisfying meeting for us. Your Op provided us professional service during the whole process of communication. By providing detailed information of the Dutch counterpart to us as well as making reservation in advance, they made a perfect preparation before the meeting and enabled us to get the basic information of the Dutch company’s business scope and strength. We are very grateful for their twice adjustments on the meeting time, for us to coordinate our working time. After the meeting, Your Op continued the follow up on time and found out our further requirements and improvement suggestions as well. Your Op has done an extraordinary job as a communication bridge, such a company is hard to find.

Karin Vith, General Manager of Denmark Innovation House

The work from the hands of Your Op’s top management and employees was fulfilled in a very dedicated and focused way. Your Op provided us with visible results and some of the Danish companies were able to establish a long-term relation to one or more of the matches.


We can only give our best recommendations to anyone in order to team up with Your Op for any European-Asian business development task. When it comes to establishing European-Chinese contacts for business development, it turned out that the two founders of Your Op, Ms. Ching Ping and Ching Foe Au, have a deep understanding of both Chinese business environment and due to their upbringing in Europe, they have the same of European cultural behavior. The team was good at assisting the Danish SME’s to understand the Chinese partners better. 

Besides, the team being well-educated, took pride in delivering sublime results and clearly expressed that they required a dedicated effort from us too, in order to be able to deliver the asked for results. Hence, they were brilliant at matching expectations with us, and in that way, we also felt safe during the cooperation.

Mr. Eric Verwaal, former Dutch Consul-General Shanghai,

present Principal Secretary of the Royal Household

Ching Foe is a pleasant professional with a dedicated and tailored approach for each client. Your Op has assisted us in arranging business matching programs for Dutch companies seeking partners in China. I was very impressed with the results. If you need practical assistance (including language support and knowledge of the local culture) in exploring or entering the Chinese market, contact Your Op!

Joost van Kuijk – CEO Adimec

Adimec is ambitieus en wil graag groeien. Your Op heeft Adimec daarbij zeer goed ondersteund bij het opstarten van onze business in China. Veel mensen denken dat het onmogelijk is binnen een half jaar operationeel te zijn in China. Wij waren er van overtuigd dat het kon, samen met Your Op. Wij konden onze focus houden op de strategie terwijl Your Op onvoorziene situaties oploste. Your Op krijgt het gedaan!

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